
Popular Artists

Below are our most liked artists here at Concert Geek.

Ariana Grande is a pop singer who is 25 years old. She has many great hits that are loved by many. She started out her career acting and moved into music growing up.

Drake is a 32 year old rapper. Many know him from the hit tv show Degrassi as Jimmmy Brooks. In 2010 his album went platinum and then his music career went up from there.

Cari B is 26 years old and is a new rapper who skyrocked to fame very quickly. Before her music she was an exotic dancer for 5 years.

Billie Eillish is 17 years old. She first got attention for her music in July of 2017 when she was just 15. She is gaining popularity daily and has over 3.9 billion streams on Spotify and Youtube.

Artist Statistics

Below are popular artist statistics. The information is provided by Billboard.com

# of #1 Hits
# of Top 10 Hits

Ariana Grande
Cardi B
Billie Eilish

Our Sponsors

Below are our 3 top sponsors that help make Concert Geek be the best it can be.


"Off The Wall"


"Attitude That Cares

American Eagle

"Life Your Life

Upcoming Events

Below are upcoming events that you don't want to miss out on!

Cochella 4/12 - 4/14

Cochella is a multi-day music festival in California. It is the 4th largest music festival around the globe!

Lollapalooza 8/1 - 8/4

Lollapalooza is a pretty big music festival that takes place in Chicago Illinois. There are many popular artists that perform there daily.

Bonnaroo 6/13 - 6/18

Bonnaroo is also a multi-day music festival that takles place on a 700 acre farm in Manchester, TN.

Governers Ball 5/31 - 6/2

Goveners Ball is a multi-day music festival that takes place in NYC.

Glastonbury 6/26 - 6/30

Glastonbury is a popular multi-day music festival in the United Kingdom.

Woodstock 50 8/16 - 8/18

Woodstock takes place in NYC and attracks around 400,000 people each year.

About Concert Geek

Concert Geek was created in early-ish 2019. Our mission is to find the lowest priced concert tickets to average people who can't always afford front row seats. All information from this site has been pulled from Google and the tickets you order will probably never come since this is a fictional company.